Rigid oval flue liner system SWO

System is designed to exhaust combustion products by natural draught from heating appliances. System is used for relining of existing chimneys.

Chimney system for particular cases must be selected according to the documentation of the heating appliance manufacturer, chimney installation guide and national legal acts.


Oil, gas, solid fuels

Working temperature

≤ 600 °C


Stainless steel EN 1.4404

Wall thickness

0,6 mm

Pressure class

N1 – natural draught

Sootfire resistance

G – resistant

Distance to combustible materials

≥ 5001 mm

Condensate resistance

W – designed for wet operating conditions



System marking

EN 1856-2 T600-N1-W-Vm-L50060-G




1 Since the elements of the system of oval liners in the chimneys can not be used as connecting pipes, the distance from this system to the combustible materials is not specified.

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